React Training

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Code Sandbox

Running into machine issues? NodeJS not configured correctly? PATH variable not picking up changes?

Don’t fear—we’ve been there too… more times than we can count!

We’ve structured our labs so that they can be utilized with a tool called CodeSandbox, which is essentially an online IDE that works similarly to your local machine setup and allows for similar functionality.

Preliminary setup

Note: the labs are currently structured for local development. To correctly proxy out to the API and get tests running, please do the following:

  • Open up package.json, and change proxy to the following:
"proxy": ""

Lab 01 - Project Setup

Lab 01

Lab 02 - First React Component

Lab 02

Lab 03 - Routing with React Router

Lab 03

Lab 04 - Redux

Lab 04

Lab 05 - Form Validation

Lab 05